Thursday, June 21, 2007

Preparing for trip....

Hello to all my family, allies, colleagues, and enemies (faces). I will be addressing everyone as all my (faces) in the future so I don't have to type so much:) I am officially on summer vacation even though my cell phone keeps ringing with needs, wants, etc. I just went through 93 emails to finish out my 2007 school year. Ten of the emails had to do with all the specifics of the China trip. Found out that I have to wear suit and tie at all gatherings and casual business attire for school visitations. Because of the weather forecast of hot and humid, I think I am not looking forward to the dress codes. Summer is a time for shorts and t- shirts so I will do my best to bend the rules ( just a little).
This will be my first experience with using this Blog system and so please have patience with my lack of skill. I will do my best to keep up with this system and learn how to upload pictures from China like the Great Wall and other fun things. Until then, I hope this message finds all my( faces) in good health and spirit
Richard Ricardo Esparza (rre)


Richard Esparza said...
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Jocelyn McCabe said...

Congrats on your first post, Richard! This is great! I look forward to reading more from you in the days ahead. Have a great trip!

Unknown said...

Hello there Richard, I am hoping for the best on your journey over sea's. I wished I was able to come with you. Sounds like a great experince to be involved in and one of many stories to tell. (no big tales now)...;) Hey you will look great in a suit and Tie, just ask Kathy ;).. Hi Kathy hope you are doing well also. Keep us posted on your adventures and do not bow and hit them in the you know whats hahaha,,,
your Friend and Brother for life Tony Lovato

Kathleen R. Esparza said...

Hey Richard Ricardo!
Glad you made it to China. I emailed Jocelyn and she gave me the blog address.
Hope your suit and tie day went great today! I bet you were the best looking person there!.....
Hey Tony! I am well...Hope you are tooooo!:)
Love you big Richard!

Kathleen R. Esparza said...

May you have good fortune on your trip in China. I am very proud of you! Eat many fortune cookies.
You are an amazing man and I am looking forward to hearing your comments about your trip.
Love long and prosperous my big grasshopper!
Remember to look up the PE programs if any!
Love you!
Kathy Esparza